Leadership: Heal My Voice and Chrysalis House – A Pilot Project

Day 46 of 100 Days of Blogging

Pilot Project at Chrysalis House
Crownsville, Maryland

This is a fundraising request for an incredible year long pilot project. Weekly writing circles led by Beth Terrence, a holistic practitioner (http://www.bethterrence.com/). Monthly workshops led by a variety of Heal My Voice Authors including Andrea Hylen, Founder of Heal My Voice. Supporting women to heal through writing a story and reclaiming personal power to step into greater leadership.

Chrysalis House is a substance abuse treatment center for women. A unique aspect of this program is the opportunity for women to keep their children with them while in recovery. An emphasis on recovery, healing and parenting.

We have a variety of people working on grants and corporate sponsorship and crowdfunding to fund the program and the development of a workbook and training program for Chrysalis House and other substance abuse treatment centers.

The request today is to help us raise $5,000 to get started.

Take a moment to close your eyes, listen to your heart and see if you are drawn to make a donation at this time and listen for the amount of money. Also, listen within to see who you can forward this email to.

If you feel inspired to support this project with a donation, click on the Payment Link today!

Click here to go to Donation Button,



We believe that women are pivotal role models in their homes, communities, and institutions. Our purpose is to support them in reclaiming their individual power and awaken leadership potential by helping them heal and reclaim inner authority and step into greater leadership.

 In Gratitude

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