Day 106: On the Road Spiritual Authors Part 7

This is the last week of voting for the Next Top Spiritual Author contest. May 3, 2010 midnight. Don’t wait! Vote now!

I decided to devote a blog to five of the male authors in the contest. All five of the men are writing books that inspired me in different ways. All 5 of them were on Tambra Harck’s radio show Joy of Love and Life. When Tambra finishes the last few shows this week , there will be 13 shows with 4-6 authors on each show. Here is the link to all of the recordings:

And here is the link for Tambra’s book, Sacred Truths:

Now on to the men:

31) Brad Williams. Brad is an astrologer and a spiritual counselor. He believes that we each need to embrace the inner feminine to support the transformation in the world to balance the mind and the heart. His book is called Thinking Man’s Dreamer, Based on a true story: One man’s journey finding balance in the divine feminine. Click here to listen to his book video:

32) David Wodtke. David is a deep lover of nature and animals. Watching his video with his calming soul and pictures of nature, I felt peace. David is peace. His book talks about seeing the external environment, including nature as a part of us. The name of his book is Awakening the Heart’s Natural Love. To view his video, click here:

33) Michael Brown. Mike is a spiritual coach who helps people turn their blocks into blessings. He is so passionate and full of laughter and love.  The name of his book came from the words his mother said to him throughout his life. It wasn’t until he was about 34 that he began to feel that what she said was true about each one of us. The name of his book is: You are a Gift to the World: A Message from my Mother. View his audio here:

34) Michael David Lawrence.  Michael is a Residential Coach at a therapeutic boarding school for teenage girls. I was really inspired by his message, the work he has been doing for 35 years and his commitment to help people heal. His book was written to help you get in touch with your wounded inner child and how to recover from trauma. The name of his book is, “Emotional Health: Freedom From Suffering and Trauma.” Listen to his audio here

35) Paul Terrill. Paul is a Conscious Living Coach. He lives and breathes his passion to live life with joy and purpose and gratitude. In his book, he uses real life stories of people he has coached and the steps to live life empowered. His book is called, “Applied Empowerment: A Manual for Conscious Living”

Enjoy the spiritual wisdom, and heart centered connection of the authors and Vote! Thanks so much.

My book is Open to Inspiration: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip.

Top 250 authors go to Round 2.

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