Category Archives: Jesse Baxter

Day 86: On the Road. Have a project idea and need money?

April 7, 2010

Have a project and need money?

I am always thinking about how to connect people and ideas and resources. I am passionate about it. And this passion was recently rewarded when I discovered the pepsi refresh grant project.

I was following a few people on Twitter to learn more about the world of tweeting. Demi Moore was involved in a celebrity challenge with pepsi refresh to raise money for an organization that helps victims of sex trafficking. To receive $250,000, she needed daily voting. It was an easy way to support the organization. I included the voting in my daily routine of coffee and checking e-mail. She won the contest and Gem Girls now has $250,000 to train more people to go into communities and help young girls. Awesome!

Once I had registered on the pepsi refresh site, I saw that I could vote for 10 different projects every day.  I read and explored the passionate ideas from many organizations and voted for them.

One day the light bulb went off in my brain. I thought about my daughter, Mary and her husband, Jesse and their organization, Dramatic Adventure Theatre. I thought about the fundraising they did every year to raise money to take theatre artists to Zimbabwe and Ecuador and now for a project in Louisiana. I suggested they look into applying for a grant.

They applied and are in the contest this month, April 2010.  The grant is for $50,000 and will fund a project in six communities in Louisiana. To vote and find out more information:

Part 2 of this story is the brainstorm I had a few days ago. I have watched the process of Dramatic Adventure Theatre as they applied for the grant, submitted the grant, prepared for the voting, and now the things they are doing to spread the word and receiving votes.

I started to think about you. I have watched Mary and Jesse and began to see how they could share ideas with other people who have a project idea and need money. It may be for you or you may know an individual or organization.

They want to take you along on this journey with them. Mary and Jesse have decided to share the things they have learned and to hopefully inspire other people to look for funding resources in unusual places. Every Wed, I will post a blog with the latest information and learning.

Next Wed, they will share tips on filling out and submitting the application. I hope it will inspire you with ideas and infinite possibilities. In the meantime, sign up on the site, review their profile and VOTE every day!